Thursday, December 14, 2017

Orchestrated Clean-up a River Campaign

W Hydrocolloids Employees and Volunteers

W Hydrocolloids, a global carrageenan producer for food applications, has fruitfully conducted its 4th Quarter Orchestrated Clean-up Activity last November 18, 2017 at Butuanon River, Mandaue City. The project was coordinated with DENR-EMB 7 and Barangay Tabok of Mandaue City. All participants worked hand in hand in order to meet our common end goal which is to improve the water quality of Butuanon River for a greener, and safer place for nature and people by helping in the rehabilitation of the river, and by increasing the awareness on the prevention of water pollution. This campaign is correspondingly a part of the preparation for the upcoming International River Summit 2018.

Water pollution comes in many forms, such as groundwater pollution, microbial pollution, oxygen depletion pollution, nutrient pollution, and the most visible of all is the surface water pollution. It is one of the major problems in the Philippines. Millions of trash from human consumption are most often evident on water surfaces, which end up in our nation’s rivers every year, due to irresponsible segregation and littering. Unfortunately, it is more than just an eyesore. It is also a form of environment degradation that contaminates the water and devastates entire ecosystems centered on a water supply.

In the Philippines, it is difficult to get away from trash since the country is used with products sold in single-use sachets from food and beverages to personal cares (coffee, shampoo, instant coffee, toothpaste and the like), as well as plastic bottles and cans which usually end up to landfill or marine debris.

W Hydrocolloids Inc is committed to promote environmental responsibility to ensure a sustainable future. Through this Clean-up A River Campaign, we are able to help in our own little way, not just to the Butuanon River, but then its effect also affects other water bodies, communities, and environment.

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