August 4, 2018, W Hydrocolloids, Inc., a carrageenan producer and a seaweed supplier in the Philippines , was audited and achieved
certification from HDIP (Halal Development Institute of the Philippines),
a religious non-government organization which is recognized by JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan
Islam Malaysia), MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura), mutual recognition with
CICOT (Central Islamic Committee Of Thailand), affiliated with IFANCA (Islamic
Food And Nutrition Council Of America), affiliated with MUI (Majelis Ulama
Indonesia) and a member of WHFC (World Halal Food Council). This means
increased marketability and scalability in the export market especially in
South East Asia where most clients request for Halal certification recognized
by JAKIM-MUI, and is also aligned with the company's commitment in meeting
customer requirements and bringing customer satisfaction to a new level of